How To Get 1 Million Subscribers On Your YouTube Channel?

In the last few years, YouTube has been one of the most popular websites to upload your videos and share with other people from all over the world. There are many different ways to make money on YouTube, but getting 1Million subscribers is remarkable for any YouTuber. Therefore we researched this topic and found some helpful information that could be useful for those who want to start their channel or simply looking for the answer to how to get subscribers on YouTube.


  1. Select a topic that you’re passionate about! If you’re not interested in what you’re talking about, it shows through your videos, so you must choose wisely. Also, you will talk about your topic more naturally.
  2. Plan your content! Before you start recording, think about what you’re going to say and write out a script. While speaking naturally is always good for engagement, it helps to have some bullet points in mind so that the video doesn’t ramble too much.
  3. Make sure to use relevant tags! When someone searches for a specific thing on YouTube, it’s vital to ensure that your video shows up if they search within your niche tags. The more popular tags are ones like ‘how-to’ or ‘top 10’, but which one you choose depends on the type of content that you’re making. Also, try using long-tail keywords, which are very useful when searching for something peculiar.
  4. Always use annotations! While it may seem like a bit too much at first, it’s worth noting that using annotations is an essential part of growing your YouTube channel. They add a lot to the experience and encourage your viewers to click other videos on your channel so try adding them to all of your videos if you can.
  5. Engage with other channels in the same niche! While it might be awkward at first, leaving comments or engaging with other YouTubers in the same niche is a great way to grow your channel. It’s also a great place to learn from others and get inspired by their work while they will probably do the same thing toward you. When contacting another YouTuber, remember to be respectful and don’t spam. If you do a video together, it’s a good idea to mention them in the description so your videos can benefit from each other.
  6. Always reply to comments! It may seem like a time-consuming task, but you must respond as often as possible. Even if you receive bad or irrelevant comments, try replying politely because it shows that you care about all of your viewers and want to engage with them no matter what. This way, others will see that you’re not just another faceless YouTube channel, and they’ll be more likely to subscribe, which will lead to more views.
  7. Be active on all social channels! Posting regularly on other social media sites, especially Facebook, can be very beneficial for your channel. Not only will you keep your friends and family updated about what’s going on, but other interested people might find out more about you, leading to new subscribers. Uploading videos daily is not possible; try posting at least once per week!
  8. Try monetizing your videos! Different types of ads run before your video or at the end of it. It depends on how much time is left after it finishes playing. And while they do take away some viewing time, people usually don’t mind 30-60seconds of pre-roll advertising if it means free YouTube content (most importantly without interrupting their experience!). Don’t forget to check the ‘monetization eligibility’ check box on your ‘My videos’ page before uploading a video because once you’ve been accepted, it lasts for 10,000-lifetime views of your channel.
  9. Do some user engagement! While it may seem too time-consuming, there’s no doubt that doing things like Q&As or AMAs is a great way to get subscribers. Not only will they see that you’re a person and not just another number, but also more people might find out about you, which could lead to new subscribers.
  10. Don’t forget about localization! Try finding relevant local communities where you can contribute. It’s worth noting, though, that when searching for them, make sure to use a general term rather than a specific one; otherwise, you might not get the best results.
  11. Try guest blogging! There are all kinds of benefits for guest blogging so take advantage of them while you can. Not only will your blog posts gain exposure, but also your videos might benefit from the backlinks. You’ll probably find guest blogging a lot easier if you have experience in writing because this way, you won’t need to do much research on the topic, which is often very time-consuming. Also, remember that when doing interviews for other blogs, try using long-tail keywords whenever possible so that you may rank higher in searches even after just a few months since publishing your interview or guest post!
  12. Share content on social bookmarking sites as these sites are a great way to get your content out there, using them whenever possible. Remember, though, that the only way they will work is if you give people an incentive to click through to your website; otherwise, it’s just another link with no real value.
  13. Look for industry influencers! Finding relevant influencers on Twitter or Facebook can be beneficial because you can connect with them and send them messages anytime. By doing this, they might retweet or share your videos and reply to comments or answer questions, which could lead to new subscribers. Just make sure you’re not spamming them all the time because people quickly get fed up if someone is constantly tweeting/posting about themselves without even bothering to engage in conversations first!
  14. Promote your channel! The more people you manage to subscribe and watch your videos, the more exposure you and your channel will get.
  15. Watch out for frauds! There are all kinds of scams trying to rip off content creators, so be careful when doing deals such as joining revenue-sharing programs because it’s a lot easier for someone else to steal from you instead of making original content themselves. Also, make sure that whenever you do a giveaway or take part in something similar that has the potential to go viral, do not use services that promise thousands of subscribers or followers because there’s a decent chance that they are all fake.
  16. Keep your description clean! The description is one of the essential parts of any YouTube video so make sure to do some SEO whenever possible by including long-tail keywords and linking out to other relevant videos/websites. Also, don’t forget to use trackbacks whenever you reference another site in your video descriptions because it will give you exposure for yourself and the website you’re referencing!
  17. Be proactive about updates! Keeping your viewers up-to-date on recent changes can be beneficial, so if anything big happens, don’t hesitate to post an update video explaining everything. If you notice that people aren’t commenting as much as they used to, then it might be a good idea to change up your thumbnails and titles because people quickly move on if you don’t give them any reason to come back.

We hope that our long list of activities could prove beneficial to you and help you find out how to increase your subscriber base and how to get views on YouTube. Feel free to contact us for a detailed explanation on the same.

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